Learning Theories Reflection

 I always knew that I learned best when I could see, hear and interact with the subject. This means that I am a visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learner. I identify under the cognitive theory, and that was where I was when we started this course. This theory suggests that individuals process information through mental processes such as perception, attention, and memory. It also acknowledges the importance of sensory input in learning and encourages using different modalities to enhance learning. 

As a cognitive learner, I cannot operate with distractions.  It can be difficult to retain new information if I am distracted or not paying attention. I need to be focused on the things I am trying to learn. Also, I must be motivated and prepared for the task. Finally, with visual aids or information organized clearly and logically, I find it easier to understand and remember.

Technology has played a significant role in my learning. It has provided personalized feedback and opportunities for collaboration and communication through online applications like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. YouTube has provided an interactive platform where dummies like myself can relate to the information. Its videos cater to the visual and auditory, and it allows the option to pause for reinforcement. Technology has also helped me organize and retain information more effectively through mind-mapping software and note-taking applications.


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